Nov 23, 2010

Dear H

1. Great job on the BOMB of a #2 you took sometime last night. I was delighted when 3 clumps of turd came flying toward my face when I took your PJ bottoms off this morning. I hope you thoroughly enjoyed the early morning bath as that was the only way for me to clean up the aftermath.

2. Why did you sleep in till past 7 yesterday morning when it was your dad's turn to get up only to go back to your usual waking time of 6 am this morning when it was my turn? It's clear who your favorite is but can't you cut me some slack once in a while?

3. I'm extremely proud of your growing vocabulary, especially b/c it's Korean.

4. I pray that you grow out of your scratching/pulling/clawing stage. SOON.

5. I love how the sleep in your eyes makes your left eye slightly lazy when you first wake up. It melts my heart. I hope to get a pic of this soon.

6. Keep the kisses coming. We'll just have to work on your form.



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